Monday, August 24, 2009

Purple seed stain of soybeans is the end result when plants become infected with Cercospora Kikuchii during pod fill.( Photo coutesy of the Pioneer Agronomic Photo Library - DesMoine Iowa )
This leaf is infected with Cercopsora Kikuchii.The disease is favoured by warm moist weather during pod fill.More of it is being seen this year due to the type of year we're experiencing.
Manganese deficiency has shown up some this year but not nearly as bad as years when it has been droughtier.Foliar applications of MnSO4 work much better than soil applied.Often 2 applications are required.This is one foliar micronutrient spray that can work quite well.
When you start see plant symptomology from Sudden Death Syndrome show up this bad its time to start asking your seed supplier for his best SDS variety that fits your maturity and has all the other important agronomic seed traits you desire.
Though some years powdery mildew can be fairly aggressive it is mainly a cosmetic disease.Seldom are yields hurt by it.One of the more popular varieties yet more susceptible varieties back in the early 80's was Corsoy 79's.
Downey mildew has been showing up more prolifically in fields during the last week to 10 days.Very seldom is it considered a yield robbing threat.Its just good to know what it looks like when you see it.

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