Thursday, June 18, 2009

These planting date shots are all of the same Pioneer hybrid 35F44.Growers are often intriqued by how the same hybrid responds differently to its environment as it is planted later.The same hybrid planted later will adjust the amount of heat it requires to reach flowering. As much as 125 fewer heat units may be required for the same hybrid planted 3 1/2 weeks later to reach silking.
Later planted corn will tend to develop slenderer stalks and grow taller than early planted corn.A taller slenderer stalk usually implies less stalk quality and more potential for standability issues.Early planted corn will generally produce 2 more rows of kernels around the cob and be much more tolerant to leaf diseases.

Later planted corn will also run lighter in test weight.Experience has taught us that there doesn't seem to be any yield advantage to planting corn earlier than April 20th though it will run 1/2 - 1 point drier in moisture at harvest.Its not so much the first day you start planting thats important as the last day you stop that really matters.

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